with Sri Ganesh

Sri Ganesh, You are the Friend In the Sun as in the Dark, Always equal, Always free, The timeless instrument Of Harmony...


- 22-11-13:

... It rained from before dawn to early morning, a moderate downpour; now the air is quiet. ... Murthy offers Rs. 100/- and another Rs. 20/ are also offered.

Sri Ganesh, You seem to extend This luminous mantle of protection

Nestling the Treasure, And it sings and chants And shimmers With a happy heart, Yet there is Silence, And at the crown Is the power Of true love...

And this is done, Sri Ganesh, In Her Name, As your brothers Hanuman and Garuda, Help guard The work of transformation –

Today Sri Ganesh The whole firmament Dwells In your figure..


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