Questions and Meditations
Then begins to dawn the outline of another possibility of existence in the world – which some have named “gnosis”.
It is a condition for which we are not yet ready.
But while we cannot as yet become Gnostic beings, we can usefully work at erecting and consolidating a conscious bridge which will help to establish in life and matter the relation with this future condition.
The earth-nature is telling us “Time presses!!!” It is urging us “Do your work now itself, this is your task!”!!!
Let cruelty dissolve in the intensities of love!
Let ugliness fade away in beauty’s infinite expression!
Let smallness give way in the liberty of truth.
When one become conscious of the Presence within oneself, more present than any human being can be, and that little by little one finds in it all that one has ever sought at every moment and in every place, one realizes the scale and extent of the misunderstanding.
And how it is the cause of all of our dramas – and of our injustices.
For none of us can give all that the other needs.
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