Questions and Meditations
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The new birth, the awakening of the individual consciousness to the inner spiritual reality, allows one to identify the existence and function of a transcendent axis of Consciousness-Force, which one then may invite to act upon our external instrumental nature and in the vertical beam of which one may present all that we are and all that finds expression in and through us. One thus learns to offer, to this conscious Force that sees, knows and can, all of our movements, whether ordinary and familiar ones, or ones that emerge from the subconscience or ones that enter us from other planes or emitting sources.
One learns to rely on this Light-Force, without any moral judgment of any sort, with a simple aspiration towards a state of truth, plenitude and integrality.
And trust grows in us, as time and again we observe how circumstances and relations come to answer our real needs and make them to evolve, often in unprompted, unexpected and unbidden ways – and not without humor…
Within human memory we are all habituated and accustomed to expect and to give, from and to the others, the answers to our natural needs – emotional, affective and sexual. A person who appears not to need any one else for one’s individual harmony and serenity stands out as abnormal, asocial, if not somewhat monstrous – unless this person has made the self-evident choice of living alone with Nature or taken a vow of asceticism for religious or spiritual purposes. It is this very conditioning that causes our internal conflicts between a life at the service of the Divine and a life amongst men. And this misunderstanding only begins to clear with the continued practice – the sadhana – of self-offering.
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