Questions and Meditations
Is the Shakti of the future murmuring to their attentive hearts, one by one, the secrets necessary for the finding of the way?
To be provided with a material human body, or to be deprived of one. To be alive amongst men, or to be dead.
It seems to be indispensable, in order to open to the Shakti’s workings and to Her action for the future of the earth, and to offer oneself as a transmitting instrument, to have already traversed, concretely used or unmasked the illusion of death. During this recent period of determining scientific and technologic advances in terms of equipment, practices and environment, the human spirit has pushed its investigation of the phenomenon of physical death way beyond the thresholds previously reached and, to a certain extent, appears to be now confronting its terrors and its dreads. We can only approach the reality of consciousness through those instruments it has already developed in us, which are familiar to us and to which in a large measure we are identified = the mind, thought, intelligence and their uses, the vital, emotional and sensual experiences, together compose the instrumentation by which human persons meet the world. And naturally we thus lend to consciousness itself the characters, modes and possibilities of expression of these instruments. *
Could we, can we, so constituted as we are, approach or experience consciousness directly, without intermediaries?
It is possible, it does actually happen, incidentally and briefly, now and then and here and there, and those who are at once subjects and witnesses of this meeting are profoundly and irreversibly changed by it.
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