Questions and Meditations

17 Soldiers and Apprentices

The Shakti. The Shakti of the universes. The Shakti of terrestrial nature.

The Shakti of the evolution of incarnate consciousness = most high must She be seated, vast enough to include and embrace all, near enough to understand all, great enough to love all. Material enough for direct action.

But how to open to Her, here and now?

So long as one houses separate wills or shelters any ambition, it is wiser not to pull Her down, lest one bursts apart.

When one no longer wants anything for oneself, then only can one pull. But is one prepared to endure, to hold the charge?


The army of good-wills is forming, little by little it constitutes itself by distinct, isolated spontaneous urges that come to join here and there, an army without determined hierarchy, without any concerted battle plan, without agreed upon strategy, without ammunitions. Its soldiers are those who are ready to forget their egoism and put into practice their choice of harmony. Their dedication grows and is nourished and sustained by another light, as of an infinitely precious memory of what must be, of what will come to pass – without pretending to know the way nor the means of proceeding upon it = one learns as one walks. They perhaps are researchers or farmers, botanists, jurists or photographers, artisans, students or wanderers, what does it matter? With their very breath they comprehend the condition of the world, they feel and sense the call, they answer needs that overpass them in every way but resound deep within them.


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