Questions and Meditations
But the philosophers, the intellectuals, the metaphysicians, the authors and the writers, are they calling?
“The new consciousness will incarnate while the wise men talk and sleep…” – is that so? Can it be so?
Are humanity and the Earth condemned to decay under the ascendant of a virtual world devoid of light?
The magical possibility offered to everyone to get one’s preferred experiences home-delivered at once and away from all prying control by others (or so it seems), such is the irresistible bait held out to all – and this way all fancies and all perversions are practically made accessible, freed from all moral reservations. And why not? How could we otherwise ever exhaust all that contradicts and refuses and denies, all that wants to remain separate and free to explore and experiment? And is it not also preferable to provide individuals with virtual private avenues to let go of their stored up obsessions and desires, rather than expose the other members of society to the virulence of impulses repressed for too long? Yes, one can reason everything out. And doing so, instead of having to grow by the consequences of one’s movements and actions, the individual is exempted of the mirror held by the others and by life itself, meeting it only through the images of one’s choice.
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