Questions and Meditations
A force of consciousness that produces or invokes the meeting of an outline, of an idea of a form, with Energy, within the very bosom of what is already manifest – such as an already functional material organism or body?
Is the space-time in which we are incarnated only a frequency of Energy, a rung in the order of things? We now know that other space-times exist side by side: can we learn to move from one to another through consciousness?
It is no longer merely a matter of scientific curiosity or inquiry, or of an intellectual fascination for the complexity of Reality: it is a matter of survival.
And it is no longer a matter of the survival of the species alone, but of a yet unknown passage to another, new incarnation of Consciousness.
There is, then, the Manifest and there is the Unmanifest, That which exists within the forms and That which exists without any form.
When the identification with form has become more relative or less absolute, less fundamental or essential, one may begin to wonder about the advantages and the limitations of the human form = the inner consciousness could as well, for instance, appreciate the form of a sphere.
But our human body holds and enfolds other secrets which we are yet to discover, which we shall only discover, as the initiate of the legends, with the right and true reverence of the egoless being.
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