Questions and Meditations
14 Consciousness-Energy-Matter
All is Energy. Energy, inexhaustible, illimitable, immeasurable and permanent, animates all that is, visible or invisible, from the plankton to the galaxy, the blooming of a peony to the sound of the cymbals, the dolphin piercing the foam to the solar storm, it is all Energy expressing itself. Energy is ceaseless, endless, omnipotent, and omnipresent.
Matter, then, is condensed energy.
As for us, who believe ourselves to be superior in the scale of visible creatures, are we not actually ridiculously impotent, who depend on so many operations and mechanisms to merely subsist, to preserve our bodies and to store just an ounce of this Energy that bathes us all and moves everywhere continuously without ever a halt or a break? Why do we not find a more direct means, simpler and more conscious, of remaining united to the Energy in proportion to our needs? A movement, a cellular functioning, internal, immediate and adjustable or tunable like a breath or an interior tongue tasting the elixir: why are we not aware of it?
The humility of the seeker does not merely signify the lessening or disappearance of the ego’s arrogance or sense of superiority upon the Earth, but also a realization of the ungraspable scale of the forces contributing to the material manifestation.
Is it Energy itself that chooses the forms of its expression, or is there an intent, a design, a purpose, a direction? A need?
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