Questions and Meditations
Indeed, the death of this little body, its disintegration, produces the cessation of our conscious existence in Matter, of our kinship with the material universe.
How is this possible?
Suddenly alienated – by this absurd incident, this arbitrary intervention, this incomprehensible and uncontrollable interference which has the power to interrupt, to destroy, to part, to prevent?
To date it seems that most of the observable universe, according to our present knowledge and instruments, eludes our grasp = we can neither apprehend it nor understand it, since Matter appears there to behave differently and to obey other laws.
We name it “dark matter” or “black hole”.
Some of us, who have been projected out of their bodies – either deliberately through a controlled conscious practice, or accidentally through a momentary clinical death, for instance – have sometimes found themselves as if swept away at tremendous speed through some tunnel which ended abruptly in a luminous reality and an incomparable state of consciousness filled with presence, unconditional love and a total comprehension, direct and free of thought.
Could there be some sort of analogy with a “black hole”, the crossing of an impossible threshold beyond which spreads another space-time?
Likewise, in our innumerable creative exercises, we have located the Adversary in its lair and endowed it with the invincible weapons and tools we
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