Questions and Meditations
37 The school of the universe
Could this issue of our isolation in the universe be also a key we were holding in the twilight of our knowledge??
Have these worlds, which we qualify as subtle since one must leave the matter of one’s body and environment in order to briefly enter them, some material foundation somewhere in the infinity of the cosmos?
For if in effect, as we keep discovering, Matter is infinite, is it not one with the Consciousness which is itself infinite?
And therefore would not these worlds, which we can only measure through extraordinary or extrasensory “inner” experiences, have as well, somewhere, their own material density?
It is the factual phenomenon of the body’s death that stands across in our consciousness identified with its life.
And yet is it not the sense– a sort of innate certainty - that Life is inextinguishable, that urges us and motivates us to search whatever of the universe becomes accessible to us, the sense that we cannot possibly represent to ourselves anything that does not already exist somewhere, the sense that Life, the life of Consciousness, is evidently immortal?!
All these distinct worlds which our consciousness can sometimes accede to or from which we receive the suggestions, formations and impressions that contribute to our human behavior, up until these worlds of perfection beyond all mixtures and variations, could we not reach them or attain them or enter into a relation with them within the material universe as well? A kind of short-cut that would thwart death?
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