practical lessons 2020

When we are ready to turn to Consciousness and its Force, whether in us, above us, in Matter, in Nature, as One, we will begin to address Matter itself in ways that will deliver its creative resources and will teach us true collaboration at all levels. We already experience glimpses of its infinite treasures, when a child discovers unexpectedly another way to produce electricity or clean a pond – there is no limit to the possibilities that can open before hearts that have been cleansed and have aligned for good with the truth of existence. There is no escape: we each and all have to own up to humanity’s misdeeds, each and all of us share in the same human nature – its frailties and strengths, its evils and its blessings – and there is no point in seeking to attribute or apportion guilt and responsibility, if and when we realize that the time has come to break the lid and seek the embrace of the Infinite and be guided by it for ever more.



Know and remember this now:

Everything in you, every part of you, can be bought or coerced.

Except one thing: your unconditional need for the divine, for the truth of all existence.

This is your only safe treasure and access to worthy morrows.


Divakar – Auroville, December 5 th , 2020.


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