practical lessons 2020
energies, there was pride in its glow and human richness and the country as a whole would benefit from its radiance and its developing searches in every domain of human existence. A balanced, progressive society needs hubs, concentrations of diverse views and behaviours and challenging knowledge and adventurous seekings, so that the whole may be nourished with forward surges in perception and evolution.
But our urban agglomerates have become malevolent breeding grounds.
2020 has presented us all with a threshold to, not one but several different futures. It is not as if these had never been sensed, divined, imagined, extrapolated, represented – or wished for: we have no dearth of science- fictions, predictions and prophecies and numerous studies and analyses of the different possibilities liable to arise out of the present conditions are available.
There is one future, though, which does not easily lend itself to our intelligence: it is the future of self-manifesting consciousness.
2020 has indeed demonstrated the logical tenets of a human future organized and managed by effective centres of authority – the Chinese model of a happy obedient society is one version of it already partially implemented.
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