with Sri Ganesh

- 02-12-15:

Again yesterday afternoon the downpour returned and continued unabated in steady earnest up until after 6 am today, to becalm into a slight drizzle with moments of silence… It now appears that the last record of such abundant rains dates back a hundred years for the Chennai area and for our area here it must be at least 40 years because I cannot recall such flooding ever… It is quite a tough period for me physically, but I now prefer to say nothing about it – it feels too much like a relentless slide towards regression and deterioration…

Namaste Ganapataye, Leader of the troops Marching in Her Name, Bearers of the Shakti’s Blessings For true and progressive Harmony…

Aum Ganesha Aum

- 03-12-15:

Yesterday it rained continuously from noon to 10 pm and then it was calm; this morning most of the rain water has seeped into the ground; the cloud mass is still in place. There are pictures of Chennai flooded from all sides, from the river Adyar and from the reservoirs and all the low-lying areas which have been carelessly over-built; the airport is paralyzed as well. Rs. 60/- are offered…

Namaste Ganeshaye, Sweetest Ganesha, Nitya Bandhum,

Let there be Collaboration And true Progress…

Aum Ganesha Aum


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