with Sri Ganesh

Her intimate Witness, Her own Purusha In Her Act, Yet the Bridge Of Aum – Let there be The Right Concentration In Earth-Nature… Sri Ganesh Namaste

- 29-10-15:

The clouds appear denser and heavier now… there was some more rain in the night.

Namaste Sri Ganesh The Red Bird of the Shakti Has landed on your mass, Where the Earth is Welcoming and honored All five elements are In balance Wherever you stand, Sri Ganesh, Wherever you stand…

Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 30-10-15:

There was just a little slow rain during the night… P. has left for me a small picture of Your Feet, indicating he must have been to the Samadhi yesterday…

Sri Ganesh Namaste Mounted Leader of Her Guard, Solemn

And yet playful, For your trust is Absolute


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