with Sri Ganesh

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Aum Sri Ganesh Aum

- 04-11-13:

... It rained several times during the night and now the clouds seem to be settling in... Rs. 20/- are offered... Wind and rain start in earnest before noon and a large branch hits the high-tension cable above the transformer outside the gate...

Mahaganapati, The Yogi King Seated wrapped In nectarous light, Kripaakaram Kshamaakaram, Full of knowing Yet Smiling...


- 05-11-13:

... A man and his elderly parents come in to offer ghee and incense...

All about your mass, Sri Ganesh, Is glittering, Like a pulse of jewels, A glowing refuge Wherein one glimpses An infinity Of detailed Riches – Those Riches that form A tender and strong And prosperous path, Generous and true –

Aum Ganesha Aum


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