with Sri Ganesh

And as you move forth On your dense chariot, Nature is comforted –

Aum Sri Ganapataye

- 01-11-13:

... Rs. 10/- are offered... As of today the actual, total credit balance is, in the GAN account Rs. 119,866/- + in cash Rs. 1,580/- = a total amount of Rs. 121,440/-.

Very sweetly, with a caring And tender welcome,

You invite to share The food of light, Sri Ganesh...

Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 02-11-13: Deewali

... Most everyone stays at home today. The weather remains the same, but for a 15 seconds shower in the middle of the night... ... Jean Yves and Mi-Hong come in to attend the puja and Jean Yves sings to Sri Ganesh; they offer Rs. 500/-

Mahaganapati, Mahapurohit, You have done The Rite And you have channeled The Light And now direct Its nourishment, Its seeding, its multiplying,

Its effective journey On the paths of those


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