with Sri Ganesh

And callousness is supreme, You are yet the Prince Of Good Tidings – The reminder that, Just as your large ears Winnow and discern, This monstrousness is The needed training ground For Her Victory...


- 08-10-13:

... A local lady brings very quietly her offering of plucked flowers and oil...

Sri Ganesh, Brother King in the Earth Nature, The Keeper Of Her Harmonies, The Guardian Of Her Inner Resources, Sri Ganesh, May all the gods join And help...!

Aum Aum Namo Bhagavate

- 09-10-13:

... Last evening large clouds gathered in the Northern sky and at night it drizzled and then rained slowly, softly, for a while...

Sri Ganesh, Gentle Magician, Quietly alert And all adorned, You sit by the mouth of the cave, Where you can be seen from the path,


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