with Sri Ganesh

And yielding, A clean radiance, Detailed and serene...


- 05-10-13:

... When I want to start the pump this morning, a fire at once bursts around the cable that comes out of the well; I have to run and fetch a hose to put it down. Squirrels have made a nest right there and probably bitten into the protective sheath. A while later Parthy and AV Selvam arrive with tools and we find the cable outer coating was indeed torn in several places... For these repairs we spend Rs. 110/-. ... Rs. 50/- are offered...

Beautiful Ganesha, You are near, yet unknowable,

Your acts are reaching, Immediate, intimate, Yet their knowledge is Unfathomable... With your wide noose Of Light and Energy You travel the world, A Dancer and a Knight, A Bard and a King, Beloved and Loving Yet Free...

Aum Ganesha!

- 07-10-13:

... Rs. 10/- are offered...

Sri Ganesh, At this tail-end of Kali-Yuga, When reigns the worst of the worse In full display And all words are betrayed


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