Which town?

And friendships were indeed forming, sympathies were active, goodwill was circulating and the disciples had ever more work to do and a great, calm smile, dominated all. For the pressure of the Consciousness-Force was increasing and everyone, here or there, felt its action: a boring, a churning, a silent illumination within each one and a vast and peaceful protection enveloping all – the Shakti at every moment, Her intransigent gaze, Her help, Her patience: She watched over all.


On the last day of the year 1969, the matter of the Centre was brought to Her anew and She confirmed that, according to Her knowledge, it would be better to build the centre first, rather than beginning with the exterior – it would be the anchor and the force of cohesion, which She perceived as an enclosed space, traversed vertically by a constant ray of light, with an object of concentration in its middle. Nonetheless, She wanted to avoid that this be interpreted as a new religion and thus it must correspond to an actual, living, shared need to link and connect to the higher Light, Consciousness and Force.



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