Which town?
need of it = of uniting physically and collectively around a higher and more conscious presence, or at least a representation of it, a symbol, a material relay. Moreover, not all the lands of the geographical center near and around the banyan had been procured as yet. Nonetheless She had entrusted a few with the task of preparing the material base for the creation of the gardens which would surround the central edifice. For, She explained when listening ears were offered to Her, the presence of Nature, of trees and plants, was indispensable to the reception of the Force. Three distinct entities were now concerned with the growth of Her town: there was the ashram, there was the Society She had founded to spread Their work on the one hand and on the other to acquire the lands and channel the needed funds, and there were the inhabitants and workers on the ground who were beginning to identify with the adventure. In the ashram, many were interested and enthusiast about this new venture, without necessarily wanting to participate more than occasionally, while others tended to distrust any mingling with this multiform intrusion and an atmosphere they considered as deleterious. Likewise, amongst the members of the Society, for whom a well- established devotion must govern one’s life and actions, many were the reservations, reticent and ambiguous hesitations – yet, since such was Her Will, they would all do their best. *
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