Which town?
Then the waters rushed down the slopes digging ravines on their way and carrying the topsoil along, either to the ocean on the East, or inland to the nearest villages.
The first farmers had begun work.
And the first foresters, those who, listening to, observing and feeling the rhythms and the lives of the land, the water, the wind, the sun and the seasons, would devote themselves to the regeneration of the soils and the return of the natural forces of the flora and fauna, attempting to establish a harmonious living balance with them all. For, most of these pioneers of the physical had suffered from alienation in large cities and sought to give themselves to an adventure which, free of bosses, of police, of the poor as of the bourgeois, and of all exploitation, would gradually, step by step, find its way in collaboration with Nature, without ever defying, forcing or plundering it, in a universal concrete fraternity.
More numerous became those who, having come before Her, volunteered to serve this great adventure; some had a notion of what they wished to contribute, of the field of action in which they wished to serve; to others, She sometimes proposed an unexpected trajectory, according to an aptitude She perceived in them.
On all She put Her Force.
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