Which town?
The venture should be vast, inclusive and comprehensive enough so that each new arrival may find in it one’s own leverage of action and participation. Often She would repeat that this yoga would be a yoga of works, the yoga of consecrated work and action, of the offering, truthful and persevering, of each act and of each effort. One would not come there to find refuge from the world, but to call a new world into the world.
A large part of the already burgeoning task would be to prompt and invite the setting-up, within the country as elsewhere, of concerted actions for the funding and logistic support.
Some of the pioneers had settled and engaged themselves working the land; often with their own personal savings they had built a shelter, dug a well; they were the first to breathe and live, night and day, the great silence of the plateau. It was a slightly curved plateau, the highest point of which was located near to the central banyan, where almost nothing grew anymore apart from the few seasonal crops of peanuts and millet which the neighboring peasants planted between the two rain seasons, a short one towards mid-June and the other, more abundant one, of the monsoon, from mid-October to November end.
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