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if some others had attempted, in order to alleviate human indigence and remedy to its destructive tendencies, to translate into ethic principles or codes of moral conduct the very Fact of the spiritual reality, their teachings could only exert a limited influence soon to be foiled, spoiled or emptied of their meaning.
She and He had come.
The Times had come.
It is within life itself, it is within Matter, that one must realize the Divine, it is here itself that Spirit must reign.
The Two of Them had first risen above the gods and all the forces that until then had occultly governed the affairs of the Earth, together They had crossed this higher border to attain the Principle of Unity. Then, returning from plane to plane, stage by stage, They had, by Their identification, awakened each involuted correspondence, to descend through the subconscience and find at last, or find again, the true Matter.
The image, as She would say, of the serpent – the iridescent serpent of evolution – biting its own tail = Unity above, Unity below, all is One.
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