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She considered that a part of Her work upon earth was to put every being who came before Her in contact with the inner Divine and the Force of Truth.
She Herself offered everything at each instant to what She preferred to name, lacking the right words for it, “the Lord”.
To each person and in the measure of their receptivity She gave Her blessings, Her help and Her presence, unconditionally.
But it was for each person to ensure the constancy, the faithfulness and the sincerity that would allow Her Force to act effectively.
As it was for each one to find the key for replacing rivalry and competitiveness with fraternity and collaboration.
In this progression towards a future of conscious harmony, a process of calling, opening and serving, it would be crucial that the individual as well as the group learn to rely, through a constant search and a growing sincerity, on the Consciousness-Force of Truth. Religions had amply demonstrated, by their exclusivism and will to dominate, their inability to guide the human species to the respect of the unity of all creation; social systems and philosophies had revealed themselves to be as impuissant to resolve the conflicts or to heal the sufferings that result from the egoism of human nature. In the history of humanity, only those rare individuals who, here or there and whatever the path they had followed, had attained veritable spiritual realization, had crossed the veil and found the truth. If some of them had wished to share this discovery and tried to help other seekers to arrive at this new birth (the second birth, the spiritual birth), and
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