Which town?
She put in place the conditions, the highest sanction came, the current has responded, circumstances have assembled, the way has opened by the Grace: let those who really want to go forward, discover the steps as they walk.
It would also be, inevitably, a battle.
Each human individuality carries the usurper, the impostor, the tyrant, each is enamoured of its own image and moved by an insatiable ambition, just as each human personality contains the coward, the poltroon, the traitor, the cynic and the cunning. And thus each individual, voluntary willing servitor, would also be, potentially and until one’s own unification, the object or the plaything of forces which refuse the evolutionary advance or seek to derail it to their own ends.
While a noticeable effervescence busied itself around this new project of a township, She went on with Her silent search, so difficult to communicate, let alone explain. The more the Force churned and pilloried in Her body, the more She discovered this stillness of the new consciousness, as if its own speed was such that it coagulated, as if its radiation was so active, intense and immediate that all movement was gathered in it.
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