Which town?
This is not an isolated or exceptional case of immobilisation, but rather a representative case, in physical and practical terms, of the ills that assail us as a very slow-growing community.
Can a collective venture succeed and yield fruit, or even simply progress, without a hierarchy recognized by all of its members?
To each of those who made their commitment to serve this adventure and according to their respective opening, receptivity and nature, She would point out guiding elements, orientations and objectives which, if apprehended separately, could well appear to be incompatible or antithetic. For there would be need of much heaving, shuffling, mixing and thrashing and each one would have, with the others, to learn the chords and harmonies of the future.
And then She left everyone, the “aspirants”, to manage and fend for themselves: to each one to learn humility, discipline, respect, discernment, intuition, receptivity, to each one to find the inner silence, the opening to the Force, the right balance, the unconditional goodwill and the necessary courage – yes, to each one to grow. She and He have said so much, explained so much, worked and demonstrated so much through Their own examples: let now a handful of humans want to leap into the adventure, into the unknown, into a future that will be a becoming – conscious of That, conscious of the One.
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