Which town?

How to ensure that complexity founded on diversity, with its potentially infinite richness, will not be usurped, reduced, undermined, weakened or corrupted by the inertia of complication? The weight of bureaucracy seems to constantly increase in Her town, discouraging most initiatives and reinforcing barriers = each realisator clings to one’s territory and would fear losing one’s freedom of action if all productive activities were conjoined under a single denomination (such as “Products and Activities of Auroville”) and shared the facilities and administrative processes – a base of functioning already adopted by the internal Services.


First of all and after all, is it not the same spirit that ought to animate and guide each member’s every act in this common quest = unity in diversity?

The awareness of unity – in diversity?

Is this not the spirit of Her city, that gives it its raison d’être and its genuine dynamism?

And this adventure, She did protect it all along.

It is this, this progressive realization, that can best contribute to the evolution of the species as, through its conscious evidence, all conflicts and exclusivisms, all wills to dominate and all ignorant identities lose substance and dissolve. And this the first and foremost question that holds the attention of many participants at present, for the essential choices must be renewed, confirmed and verified and newly offered in the collective dynamism if all want to be truly faithful – willing servitors.


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