Which town?

In a parallel, the principle of the life practices advocated by most of the pioneers of Her city was now acquiring, not only an appellation – ecology -, but a general urgency before the extent and the seriousness of the wounds and violations inflicted upon the Earth. And the quantity and harmfulness of the refuse generated by this so advanced humanity appeared to increase at par with its supposed well- being = while up until the advent of the industrial era, whatever the human being would take from Nature would somehow be returned to it, this same human agent through its own exponential multiplication and the loss of natural markers was becoming a cancer on the entire surface of the planet. How, in Her city, could one usefully strive – identify and elaborate solutions that would be practicable for all?

It now seemed one must work on two fronts simultaneously, that of the change of consciousness and that of the safeguard of the earth.

And one would have to begin with the scrupulous examination of all the daily acts of all the participants, in terms of their consequences and effects on natural equilibrium.


Just like those of the Banyan tree, the roots of the community of Her city had propagated into numerous different soils and from them many new branches had sprouted and extended. It was however in the domains of ecology, precisely, that the name of Her city was best known. The regeneration of the top-soils and water-courses, the solar installations, the constructions in pressed clay, the organic cultures, durable forestation, conservation of rain-water, one center of research or another in the community would be invited more and more often to respond here or there in the country to requests for assistance and expertise and this punctual sharing was forming links and setting a base of action.


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