Which town?

Every empire has for objective to enslave human beings to its own system.

This one – how to name it -, which treats everything, absolutely everything as information data, be it the smile in thy eyes, the last lair of the white leopard or today’ rates in the Stock Exchange, is in the process of subjugating the whole of mankind to the dominance of specific technologies, as may well attest nearly all of the adult inhabitants of India (which presently counts about one billion and three hundred millions human beings), since it is rapidly becoming impossible to live without a mobile phone and a digital identity.


This complex technology, itself depending on multiple sources and resources, rightly exerts formidable attraction which, though its expanding usage, becomes irresistible = be it as an organizational tool at any scale, as terrestrial platform of knowledge-sharing, as virtual site of entertainment, or as means of immediate communication and an ever increasing source of information, no one can remain indifferent to it. With this new millennium, the community of Her township also began to make use of what seemed at first a wonderful collective instrument which would simplify the practical life of each and everyone. And as the individual tools became more accessible on the market – personal computers, portable phones and other such magical inventions -, each one’s daily existence was considerably modified, altered, can one say “ameliorated”?



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