Which town?


Although today we barely pass the two thousands recorded residents, several thousands of visitors come in every day and another several thousands of employees and workers join in the daily work, while throughout the year students, volunteers, friends, relatives and associates come to sojourn and contribute their capacities and their aspirations. The brewing and mingling are constant; constant is the presence of the world.


But here we are: just a few weeks before the “event” of this 50 th anniversary, with a scarcely veiled opportunism the zealots of the galaxy were proposing what they term as “the next step towards the growth of the city”, an ambitious project to build up the longest of the “lines of force” initially designed by R.’s first team more than 50 years ago, a curve of nearly one kilometer long extending from the Visitors Center located West on the periphery to the entrance of the central Peace Area, line of force re- baptized for the occasion and the sake of persuasion “Good-will”.. The intention is to create a mixed environment in which the numerous daily visitors and up to eight thousand residents would move about together amidst structured spaces expressing an exemplary urbanism – shops and vegetable gardens, terraces and ateliers -, an environment deemed to be highly profitable for the township’ economy. What is the relation between this compelling, dazzling project entirely dependent on a sort of contemporary society that seems condemned to destruction, and Her city at the service of Truth? The relation, of course


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