Which town?

one of the rare human emotions not conditional or dependent, pure of all bargaining. As long as those who arrived on the territory of Her city were turning to Her and Him within or above themselves, the first conditions and the first necessities were clear = each individual being must first find one’s soul, then learn to unite around its presence and let its gaze and awareness gradually orient, guide and govern all activities. This was imperative: for, without this discovery and this unification, one is but a puppet in the play of forces and remains incapable to know and live human unity, as one remains tied and identified to the instruments rather than to the eternal inhabitant. One is this or that, rather than being the soul; one is French, Australian, Bengali, one is young, one is a mother or an engineer, rather than the soul and one needs methods and much effort and compromise in order to recognize one another, whoever one may be externally or apparently.



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