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Those who now, without Her, found themselves responsible for the legal Society, were like most of the members of the ashram Indian by birth and formation, while most of the newcomer candidates to Her adventure hailed from the Western world. It was generally through a movement of inner recognition and devotion that the former had come to serve Her, while the latter had felt summoned by the force and the possibility of a great change of consciousness and condition, of which they had found in Her the incarnation.

All discussions and negotiations remained fruitless.

The leaders of the Society threatened to cut the funds, to file cases.

Some individuals believed it was possible still to draw bridges, to identify an area of collaboration, to propose temporary compromises.

Nothing helped.


Between S, born a Britton and lover of the sea, and the ashram trustees born of Mother India, was there too a sort of cultural incomprehension generating a mutual hostility and distrust? After those many years of living together in Her presence, it was surely no longer a cause for discord, yet certain innate tendencies remained active, susceptible to lead to judgments of either hypocrisy and cowardice, or of presumptuous arrogance. The respective perceptions of the Greatness and the Love She had incarnated among them all and which She continued to pour unconditionally, although shared, were accompanied, according to the different natures, by different comprehensions and orientations: thus, regarding the integral publication of Her Agenda, came a final break.


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