Which town?
His first question soon gave rise to a first major conflict of orientations and wills = on his part, he considered that the entirety of the conversations of this Agenda had to be published without any expurgation. On their part, the trustees of the ashram considered that all explicit reference to known persons must be expurgated from any publication. The opposition hardened and S. refused to submit to the decision of the ashram authorities and to hand over the recordings and transcripts. And so it came about that, in order to aid and assist him, a number of the volunteer adventurers of Her town found themselves engaged in the action of safeguard and diffusion.
This conflict rapidly degenerated into an escalation of radical judgments and condemns from all sides. Meanwhile, parallel and simultaneous, another conflict had been brewing between the leaders of the Society, legal owner of the lands and beneficiary of the donated funds, who were attempting to regiment the candidates to the adventure, and the majority of the inhabitants, who were little inclined to bend to the stipulated conditions and regulations.
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