Visualization for Weight Loss -The Gabriel Method

19 How Quickly Will I Lose the Weight?

A s you know by now, the Gabriel Method is not a diet. The allure of all diets is how quickly you’ll lose weight. But no one ever talks about the rebound effect that happens when you go off the diet. The Gabriel Method is not a diet—it’s not some- thing you are on again, off again. It is not even a program really. It’s a concept and an approach. The concept is straightforward: as long as your body wants to be fat, it will force you to be fat , and when your body wants to be thin, it will force you to be thin . The approach is geared towards eliminating the reasons why your body wants to be fat and solving your problems for- ever. How quickly you will lose weight depends on your partic- ular circumstances. If obesity has been a lifetime struggle for you and you’ve had a long history of dieting, it will take some time to undo the hor- monal and chemical issues as well as the mental and emotional ones. Most likely, your body has lost the ability to burn fat effi- ciently. The ability to burn fat takes time to regain. You may lose weight slowly at first or not at all. In fact, in the first few weeks, you may actually gain weight as a rebound from coming out of chronic starvation caused by years of dieting and depriving yourself. After a few weeks, however, you’ll find that while you’re eat- ing whatever you want, the types of food you crave are much


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