On India - 1998-2020

Let India gather itself and its people in the living love of the One and become the haven and the beacon She is meant to be for all the nations, all peoples and all beings. Let each and every Indian at heart renounce the pretences and falsities and stand for the very breath of the Lord across the land of India and be worthy of that blessing. Today every individual, every grouping, every people, every nation, has but one choice = to work for the true sense of evolution and serve the advent of a terrestrial life ruled by the spirit and the soul, or to join and feed the forces that resist and deny.

These forces are active everywhere and in every one of us.

This is the battle.

There is no other.

These are the forces that misguide those who deny the beauty of life and the truth of unity and would rather become terrorists than accept and offer their own evolving humanity.

These are the forces that sustain exclusivisms and self-serving hatreds.

These are the forces that would reduce human beings to mere numbers under the false rule of greedy gods or treacherous ideals, or for the sake of a destructive material prosperity that is empty and devoid of spirit. India has yet to claim its body as a living nation and show the example of an entire united people whose free members choose the law off the spirit and exist by the truth of the soul. Let India move forward, secure in the clarity of its purpose, calling the Mother to unite all of its children into Her embrace and lead them by Her Will and Grace, for all of mankind and the love of One Earth.”



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