On India - 1998-2020

Their goodwill can and must be harnessed for the work of rebuilding a nation’ course as a beacon of perception and expression of a new, superior harmony.

Read Sri Aurobindo .

Listen to Sri Aurobindo .

Be Sri Aurobindo’s action in India today.

Let India respond to its treasure and help this world to veer away from waste and destruction to a path of continuous, evermore conscious and evermore harmonious progress. This drastic episode of unparalleled collective confinement has shown and laid bare many of our misdeeds as a race. It has also pulled all of us, however momentarily, out of the forceful routine of vitiation and dereliction we were all embarked upon.

Let it be the moment of assessment and awakening.

Let us all, limbs of one people, identify our common priorities so that Bharat Mata may stand erect again and clear the way.


Auroville, May 5, 2020.


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