On India - 1998-2020

Sri Aurobindo has underlined all the elements of a more fortunate and better-inspired social reconstruction that may serve as the necessary environment and sustenance for the passage to the new being, the new material being that is now stirring in the crucible of evolution.

This new consciousness, this new principle, this “supramental” being, as Sri Aurobindo first named it, for lack of words, is truly and directly conscious: it knows. It does not surmise or guess or imagine or figure or divine or propounds or proposes: it knows. And it knows the immeasurable presence of the One in every atom and molecule and particle as in every cell and every single material aggregate. Thus does it know, directly and incontrovertibly, the sacredness of all that is. A few centuries ago mankind allowed itself, out of its own misplaced sense of superiority, to begin exploiting Nature’s resources without respect or reverence, to ill-treat its creatures so they become preys to its own selfish blinded ends, to rampage and ransack the whole earth. When the invention of machines ought to have been used with a sense of responsibility for the welfare of the whole, it was misused for the separate dominance of one species to the detriment of all the others. And the same goes for the further sophistication of our technological leaps and bounds, which have now the power to curse all of this earthly creation. Today’ ecologists, environmentalists, activists – terms that are often used with scorn or derision – may not all be realized spiritual beings, but they share a profound and terrible sense of all the injustice and all the wrongs that are inflicted every minute of our time onto the terrestrial balance and, as such, they do serve the Presence and the future of its manifestation here upon earth.


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