My experience of Satprem
She, Sri Aurobindo, were opening and hewing out a new Way, the Way of tomorrow, the way of the “after-man”, the way of the living truth manifesting upon earth and in the body, and no one, no other guide was necessary, since no one else had trod where She had – for the earth, for the Supreme. The single act of turning towards anyone else in order to find help or directions might compromise or blur the atmosphere of receptivity which we had to collectively establish. I understood this and shared the sense of its urgency. But gradually I also realized that this was not as simple as it first appeared. Indeed, Panditji, a highly respected tantric master, had played, with Mother’s full agreement, an important role during a number of years in Satprem’s sadhana; Mother had also directed more than a few of Her “children” to seek his help in surmounting and overcoming certain contradictions in their nature and reinforcing their inner experience. Panditji had even directly contributed to Mother’s own work, at Her request, in the physical consciousness. Those who knew Panditji personally and were aware of the affection he bore towards Satprem felt not just saddened and hurt but revolted by what they could only term as a betrayal. (Panditji left his body not long after, in August 1981).
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