My experience of Satprem
The transcription, printing and publication of the 13 volumes of the Agenda spread over several years. Each time a new volume appeared it was an event and, as soon as it was possible, the distribution of the recordings reached us as essential nourishment – a formidable support and sustenance in the tedious task and inglorious action of the ordinary worker yoked to the still obscure physical beast. Satprem had accomplished the work of a giant, conscientiously, meticulously, during all these years near Mother, and we were now partaking of the fruits. He had exercised almost no censure, deeming it would be up to each individual concerned to find in Mother’s words an occasion of progress and the action of Her Grace. He had only, in the majority of instances, replaced names with initials. However he had, here and there, added footnotes which were more like personal comments, an expression of his own experience which he also wished to share. This was reproached abundantly, to the extent that some would have sooner rejected the whole of the Agenda than accepted this “personal addition” which sought to influence the readers’ comprehension. On his side, Satprem continued to send to the elected Aurovilians such extracts of the as yet unpublished text which he felt were pertinent at the time – only 5 or 6 of the volumes had been published so far. Thus was shared in advance an extract on the force of sincerity as the only veritable protection of Auroville from all “undesirable” persons. Beginning 1980, the 5 th volume reached us; Satprem had found it necessary to add, at the start of the volume, a vigorous warning against Panditji’s influence. This admonition was ill- received by quite a number of Aurovilians. I could understand that, essentially, it was a reminder to each and all that the only indispensable thing in this adventure was to cling to Mother and to Her alone, for
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