My experience of Satprem
contradictions in Mother, but many in the consciousnesses. Good sincerity to all. Satprem. PS: As for the aspiration you ask me to share, may you share mine!” Satprem’s replies were returning us to ourselves, which was certainly the wisest and rightest. They were not, however, the answers Mother would have given – in the sense that She would always respond to the kernel of truth in any person or position and thus She would have given a direction that would have been inclusive and progressive at the same time. The very fact of Mother’s absence, where immediate decisions and choices were concerned, found us generally deficient. We had neither the discernment nor the receptivity that were needed and, as if ineluctably, our collective atmosphere began to fall, or to fall back, from the condition which Mother had attempted to establish = a receptive aspiration, in each one of us, for the reality of Unity and the path of Tomorrow – and, practically, a collaboration of everyone in a sincere orientation towards a truer Future awaiting us. Tensions and resistances intensified, not only around us and around Auroville, but amongst us. On June 9 th , I wrote to Satprem and he replied on my letter itself. “ D.: 9-6-1975, Matrimandir. Satprem, in spite of the persevering effort of a few, work at Matrimandir is slowing down and down… the cement has still not arrived, which perhaps could make us leap to the other side… Satprem: you believe it is cement that will make you leap to the other side…? D.: while pulling one’s tongue at all these makers of confusion, who draw it all into their grey pockets. Matrimandir, the astrologers are saying, is wrong, we have betrayed Mother’s vision, since the 24 meters…, Udar is saying… it must be modified so as to correspond to Mother’s vision, since the door… etc. And Matrimandir itself? It is waiting! Satprem, cancelling these last words with a big red cross: Matrimandir is
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