My experience of Satprem
The controversial mode
And the construction of the Matrimandir attracted its lot of conflicts.
It was on the occasion of such a conflict that I allowed myself to write to Satprem – to my sense he was one of the rare beings amongst the depositaries of the Mother’s “mission” who was accessible to us and whom we could trust, without any fear that he might have a will to exert any control. We had also learned, through Paolo, that Mother had, in January 1970, shared Her first description of the Inner Room of the Matrimandir in Satprem’s presence and that he had recorded Her words. He answered: “13.9.74. Divakar, you want to add my “influence” midst all the other competing influences? I am competing in no ego race. As long as one’s idea, or one’s supreme esthetics or one’s truth will stand against another’s, the Matrimandir will not be there. We are not building an astrologically or mathematically perfect temple, but a man in unity. This is the first Matrimandir. In the vision above, there are no centimeters: there is an internal perfection that translates itself spontaneously through certain measurements. It is this internal perfection in the builders of the Matrimandir that ought to make the external perfection of the temple. Thus it is not a matter of discussing the centimeters or the columns, but one of working for the unity of the consciousnesses. All “blurs” between Mother’s vision and the builders’ translation give the exact measure of the egoistic interference. One is not going to rectify the ego by removing a meter of concrete here or there or by adding a few columns. As far as I know, Mother has always considered Roger to be the architect and in charge of the works, It is thus through an understanding with him that it ought to be possible to rectify whatever “errors” there may be. If each of the eminent persons who look after Auroville seeks to add one’s own idea or interpretation or particular truth, we shall have a Matrimandir with bumps, even if their bumps have supposedly been inspired by Mother. What Mother said to me, I know, but I will not go out and claim “Mother said, Mother said…”, I send you back to Roger. There are no
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