How to call It?
This here is no pious wish, or any romantic, poetic, idealistic formulation of an impossible dream, but an observation and testimony of an actual labor of discovery within the mysterious coils and convolutions of our corporeal matter, of a study which becomes more tangible when, for instance, one grows a little aware of the cellular balances that allow for and bolster immunity, or of healing abilities that certain orientations of one’s individual consciousness help to actualize or activate. We must find in this very body the seedling of the next possible, of a free plenitude which will recognize the future – and by the being of truth will be recognized and owned. There are thus these instants when the body unexpectedly communes with the environing matter in one single harmony of joy – a kind of happy adoration constantly surprising – and knows then and there that there is actually no reason to give in or yield to disorder and disintegration and that the cells are really capable of a continuous progress forward. And it also knows that death and suffering and defeat and betrayal belong to the illusion we have needed in order to grow and become able to surrender and offer ourselves to That which is the True, the Right and the Vast.
However, destruction all round us is in full swing.
In every country the same agents and the same forces are at work who, with unspeakable crudeness and the arrogant and cunning vileness of our shadow, provided with the power of money and machines and imbued and fortified with their grip on
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