How to call It?
The human is an evolutionary bridge: in its consciousness the memories of the reptile join those of an accomplished advent. The entire past of the species is inscribed in its cells, the entire history of the human adventure and of its progression as of its falls, of the rising of its conscious mastery as of its negation, inhabit the sub layers of its presence in the world. But will the future being, the person who is yet to come, also stand upon this same bridge, at the fore of it, bearing too the same past in its cellular memory, or will there be a lapse? Up until now the most evolved human being, in terms of direct knowledge, right conduct, accurate expression, universal empathy and understanding, may, by its sheer existence, help the one who is less evolved, because both are in continuity and share the same seed and the same conditions: the one may serve as example to the other, an inspiration, a comfort and an encouragement. Even a being filled with rage and hatred, once brought in the presence of an authentic individual human realization, is compelled to feel it, because the human condition is identical.
It is the body, this infinitesimal condensation or resume of the universe, that is the means and the site of the passage. It is in its consciousness that we must find the key to sovereign harmony.
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