How to call It?
What does matter, what matters truly is to be linked to the Source and to all of its states through the unity of all that is at every instant… To be human is to be at once individual and collective, scout and representative, forerunner and emissary.
But we have delayed so much, procrastinated so much, we have lied so much. Today we are being reminded of where, physical creatures, we came from and what is expected of us. For our physical origin is our mother, common to us all: it is earth-nature that has bred and borne us, created and developed, refined, equipped, nourished, assisted, accompanied us, it is our cellular matrix and our environment, our sustenance, shelter and our wealth and out teacher; it is from her that we draw, at every moment, all our resources. And today it is she, our one mother, the physical mother of all living creatures, who reminds us – brutal and pitiless if need be – of our veritable duty and our raison d’être, our evolutionary function and our responsibility as a superior species. It is also she who bears the secrets of our physical future and of the passage to a new species, she who has laid, infinitely farsighted and prescient, the cellular treasures we still ignore, the organic and molecular seats of physical developments and capacities of which we are not yet worthy.
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