How to call It?
Such, therefore, is the primary necessity: favorable collective bases must be set and consolidated at the service of terrestrial harmony and in every country of the world the pressure must augment and increase so that the required changes are implemented with no further delay.
The priorities are by now self-evident.
We must also be the bearers of the true offering we make to the future, that of a human being aware of its integrality as of its complexity, capable of universality as of altitude and profundity, respectful of its own immense diversity and committed to the unitary progress of its terrestrial existence.
For a ditty…: To be human – To be man or woman, what does it matter, either gender has advantages and inconveniences; To be this or that color, what does it matter, each has advantages and inconveniences; To be short or tall, what does it matter, every size has advantages and inconveniences; To be teenager or elderly, what does it matter, each stage has advantages and inconveniences;
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