How to call It?

And how to name this, the child of That?


Let us name it Auram.

Auram, this presence within us, which has no other allegiance than to love and truth, harmony and beauty – to liberty.


Without the consciousness, there is nothing.

Nothing: not even the possibility of knowing that there is nothing.

Yet all the planes and worlds climb up and down, from the inert blackness to the millions of suns, from the most obscure refusal to the most loving, inclusive and wholesome creation.

Is there precedence?

But since no manifestation of any sort is possible without consciousness, we are confronted with the question that has haunted us for so long: how could there ever be a conscious choice to manifest horror, cruelty, suffering, negation, falsehood, ugliness and degradation? It is only when grasping the sense of evolution that this inconceivable design can be apprehended: the supreme intention


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