How to call It?
We quickly learn that at any instant the end may befall us, or the accident, or the disease that will render us incontinent before the hour; we quickly learn that soon enough we too will drool and stammer and stutter and wobble and forget the way home.
Which permanence can ever be found, and where?
Can it only be found by uniting with the flow and flux – with what endures whatever the forms and circumstances?
How to do that?
But then and at last, who is there?
Where are our golden rule, our true model, our ultimate standard?
Who gathers and clarifies the entire experience of a lifetime?
Essentially, the vital being tends towards power and enjoyment and their refinement, while the mental being tends towards understanding, conception and organization. On its summits, the vital seeks sovereign joy, while the mental on its peaks is in search of pure knowledge. Both are the instruments that were missioned to wake and tease and churn Matter and, in our individual natures, provide us with the means of fashioning complex personalities – egos that
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