How to call It?

For this choice, to be effective, to engage a concrete becoming, cannot merely be that of an isolated aggregate, but must be united with a force of consciousness that is at least universal. For it must trigger and obtain an immediate terrestrial resonance, like the contagion of a silent lightning within every heart and every body.


Therefore we must first become aware of the Force of Truth, of its axis and vertical cascade: let us become aware of it physically, let our body sense and feel and recognize it.

Yet one may not, must not even try to, pull it down: it is not for us to conquer it, but to give ourselves to it.

Then we must learn and rely entirely on its vision-knowledge, which alone will know that we are ready.


For it alone can do the work, it alone can pierce, traverse, awaken and illumine the evolutionary sub layers and substrata of our material existence and dissolve the blockages and negations that are mired in them, allied with this still necessary death.


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