How to call It?
How to serve?
However, the traps and pits and hurdles and the apparent defeats are not dissolved as yet, for there are layers and layers of sediments that have accumulated in the subconscience and must be dissipated, of which the physical consciousness must be delivered, as of a weight of inertia and resistance or as of the black blinding ink projected, thrown or squirted by the octopus of the deeps. Thus it is probably not by chance alone or as just an unfortunate consequence of the madness and folly of the human species, that at this very hour of the mutation and birthing, the pollution of the entire terrestrial atmosphere, material as well as subtle, has so formidably increased that nothing, no movement, no consciousness, no being, no incarnated life is sheltered from it any more. It may rather be the effect of an accelerated upheaval of all that is to abdicate and open up. Indeed, does not everything at once seem to be pushed, brought and rushed to a line of no-return, where the choice must be made materially = either the way of harmony, truth and love, or that of annihilation. But where must this choice be formed, expressed, emitted, emanated? In which “part: of our being? In our thoughts, in our life-urge, in the minuscule mechanical round or our cerebral activity?
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