How to call It?

of the animality of the present organism to a cellular creation which will no longer depend on the same laws.

More and more often, as Her body learned to exist in the joy and certainty of the presence, Douce Mere would refer to a constant work taking place in a plane contiguous to ours, almost but not quite as material, wherein reigned a natural freedom which is still to us here akin to a fairyland atmosphere.

It is there, perhaps, that the eternal child nears the realization.

But this communication, this interpenetration, demands of us first and foremost an absolute purity of motive, intent and self-giving. For we are from every side assailed, invaded and influenced by all sorts of wills and formations which want to determine our actions and our lives, whether they come from others or from invisible entities and currents.


In Her material yoga, Douce Mere has discovered that the body is gifted with its own intelligence, which has until now been dominated, ruled, oppressed and choked by the masters of the residence imposing and dictating their often contradictory wants and wills and forcing it to manage and oversee, without a complaint and as best it could, the complex functioning processes that compose and constitute our individual material organism. She discovered that, once it is released from these tyrannical influences, this intelligence possesses a clarity, an honesty and a receptivity that are in fact far superior and render it more apt to


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